If you are using EZCommunicator for the first time we have probably worked with you to configure your site(s) before going live. You can verify the following settings are the way you want them when you access your site.
Your Account - You should have received your Username and account password from one of your account team members during the setup of your site. Use those details to sign-in and go to the Admin Console of your contact management system. From there you can access your account details by clicking on the icon next to your name in the header of the page. This will display your contact record and you can add or adjust any incorrect data.
General Settings - Most of your General Setting should have been configured by your Relatrix account team, but you can verify those by using the Settings icon on the page header and choosing the MORE.. option under EZCommunicator. This will display all Settings sections for EZCommunicator, where you then choose General Settings.
General Settings includes the following -
Organization Name - This is the name of your district or organization and displays on pages viewed by your users.
Organization URL - The webpage we link to whenever a user clicks on the banner you uploaded in the Custom Files Settings. This typically is the homepage for your district or school, or the department page if you are using EZCommunicator specific to communications or other district department.
Title - This is the brand you are presenting to your users and will appear on the browser tab.
Site Admin Name - The name of the person in your organization who will receive system admin emails
Site Admin Email Address - The email of your site administrator. We recommend this be a general delivery mailbox, like EZCommunicator_Admin@yourdomain.org, so you can redirect these messages or distribute them to multiple individuals in your organization.
Google Translate Meta Tag - If you use Google Translate elsewhere in your online environment you should be able to get the meta tag details, which include the list of languages you want displayed for your users to select and auto-translate your EZCommunicator site. We will generally pre-populate this with our Meta Tag data so that a Translate box drop down list of languages is displayed on your end user pages.
Google Translate Script - The JavaScript used by Google Translate to auto-translate your pages. The advantage of adding your own Meta Tags and script is you will then be able, through Google Analytics, to track who on your site is using the auto-translation service.
Auto Translation of Notice/Newsletters - Here is a list of available languages supported by Google Translation. You can select those you would like to include in the header of your newsletters or notices for you non-English speaking community to use when they receive email messages from you. We recommend no more than five (5) languages, as these appear as a list at the top of your email.
PAGE FOOTER Section - This section has several settings that are displayed on the bottom of each page for your users to see your Principal or Site Administrator, your phone, email, fax and address. You can also include a link to your address to display it on Google Maps.
NEED MORE HELP Section - This contains a link to our end-user FAQs and an option to include the phone and email address of a contact, usually someone in your office to contact with questions about EZCommunicator.
(NOTE: Users accessing the FAQs can reach out to our support team by email or chat from the help desk site where they are redirected.)