Text messaging is available as an optional method for your school district to reach you with important information. To sign-up for text messages you need to add your mobile phone number to your account and also choose the newsgroup or newsgroups for emergency notification. To add your mobile phone number to your account, follow these steps -
Step 1 - Sign-in to your account with your username and password. If you don’t know your username or your password click on I cannot login to get the system to resend it.
Step 2 - On your Account page, if text messaging is available you will see a section near the bottom of the page titled ‘Text’. Chances are that if you just setup your account this section will be disabled with the ‘Stop All Text’ checked.
Step 3 - To activate text messaging for your account type your mobile phone number in the ‘Cell/Smartphone’ field and choose your wireless carrier from the drop down and then click the VERIFY button.
Step 4 - You should receive a text message on your mobile phone with the subject ‘Verification Code’ that contains a five-digit number. Type the number into the field provided and click the CONFIRM button.
Step 5 - You will see a message stating that your phone has been verified, and the check-box on Stop All Text should be blank, meaning your account is active and should receive text messages when any are sent from your district or school. If you ever wish to stop receiving text messages, simply sign in to your account and check the ‘Stop All Text’ box. This will keep you from receiving text messages but will continue sending emails.
If you change your phone number or carrier you will need to update your account and re-verify your phone with the new details.
To subscribe to a newsgroup sign-in to your account and use Account > Subscriptions from the navigation menu. From the list of schools/locations choose a school or district office to view a list of newsgroups to which they send notices. Choose the newsgroup(s) you're interested in and add them to your account subscriptions. Remember to SAVE your choices. Repeat this process for each school or district office from which you want to receive notifications.
If you don't see a school or district office location on your list of click the ADD IT NOW link to add the location to your profile. After adding a new school or district office location return to Account > Subscriptions to sign-up for any newsgroups from the newly selected location.
When sending messages the school or district chooses which methods to use in reaching subscribers, so you will on some occasions receive both an email and text, while other times only an email message.