Your volunteer list is accessed from the admin console of your EZVolunteer site. It contains the list of approved volunteers at your school. Some volunteers may appear on other school lists, in addition to yours if the volunteer selected multiple schools during registration.

There are numerous task you can perform from your Volunteer List including:

  1. Add A Volunteer - Use the Add Volunteer button to add a new volunteer to your list. This option is generally used if you have other staff who need to be included as volunteers so you can assign them administrative roles.

  2. Search/Edit A Volunteer Record - Type the last name of the volunteer in the LNAME column and the system will filter your list. Click the LAST NAME of a volunteer to open their record and edit it, as necessary.

  3. Filter Your List - You can filter your list by a volunteer’s affiliation, interests, background status, whether they have hours recorded, and whether their ID has been verified. You can also use more advanced filtering if you set-up newsgroups for school specific events and have assigned (or volunteers have subscribed) to any of your school’s newsgroups.

  4. Email your volunteers - There are three options from the Action drop down that will send emails to your selected volunteers. First, if you or your administrator have created a Notice in the notices module you can publish that to your volunteers. Second, you can notify your volunteers about an opportunity you created. Third, you can just type an email and send it to your selected volunteers.

  5. Print Badges - If your district uses our EZVKiosk module for signing volunteers into and out of your school you can create a PDF of badges for your volunteers and print them on name badge stock or plain paper. Our name badges are formatted for Avery 5390 name badge stock.

  6. Run Reports - While there is a separate reports module you can also run quick reports on selected volunteers to get their recorded hours, their email and phone or their EZVKiosk activities.

  7. Remove Volunteers - There are two ways to remove volunteers from your list. First, if you know the volunteer has left the school district, or there is a duplicate record on your list you can Delete the volunteer. This will also remove them from ALL other school lists - so be careful using this option. Otherwise, you can choose the Remove From List option to remove your school from their record, but allow them to remain on other school lists.

  8. Verify Their ID - If your district chooses to take the added precaution of verifying volunteers who have registered online, you can ask to see their ID and then log that you verified the name and photo of the person on the ID with the person in your school.

  9. Log Hours - You can click the Log Hours link on a volunteer’s record to log any hours they might have missed, or just view the details of the hours they have recorded year-to-date.