There are multiple methods for logging volunteer hours that can be done by you or by the volunteer themselves.
First, volunteers can sign-in to their account, click on the Volunteer > Hours tab and choose the opportunity the worked on (assuming they signed up) or simply choose a school where they worked and log their hours for that school.
Additionally, when a volunteer uses our EZVKiosk they can choose the activity (aka opportunity) they are signing in for and the kiosk will track their hours from arrival to departure.
Second, as a volunteer coordinator you can record hours on a volunteer’s record by clicking the Log Hours link from your Volunteer List. This will display the same Volunteer > Hours page your volunteer uses and you can record hours on their behalf.

You can also record hours for any/all volunteers who are signed up for an opportunity. Simply, go to your Opportunities List page and click the #Volunteers or #Hours count for that opportunity.
If you click #Volunteers you will see the list of volunteers signed-up and can record hours for them individually by clicking their name and typing the hours they worked into the form that pops-up.
If you click on #Hours you will see a timesheet view of the opportunity, with the ability to select the date and type hours for all volunteers who worked on your opportunity on that date. This is a great way to add hours from a manual sign up sheet.