If you want to notify volunteers about activities, and get them to sign-up; if you want to track how many and which volunteers are working on a specific activity; or if you want to know how many hours were worked at an event or on a program (e.g. Classroom Mentors) you will want to use opportunities.

You can create any number of opportunities for your school. Opportunities can be used for a single event, such as a book fair, or for a program that runs all year long, like lunchroom volunteers.

Tracking Opportunity Sign-ups

After you create an opportunity you can send a notification to your volunteers to recruit the number you need to sign-up. Aside from assigned opportunity coordinators being alerted when new volunteers sign-up you can also track you volunteer sign-ups from your Opportunities List page. This page keeps a running total of the number of volunteers who have signed up for any of your opportunities and the number of hours recorded, so far.

To see who the volunteers are that have signed up simply click the number in the #Volunteers column for your opportunity. This displays the Matched Volunteers page for your opportunity. From this page you can do everything you need related to this opportunity. This includes:

Notify (Email) Volunteers - If you don’t have as many volunteers as you need for this opportunity, rather than going back to your volunteer list, simply filter your list status from ‘Matched’ to ‘Available’, which shows all volunteers who haven’t signed up. You can select and notify them to recruit the remaining volunteers you need. You can also Send Notice or Email Selected volunteers. The latter can be useful for any last minute reminders about the opportunity.

Reset To Available - If one of your volunteers has to cancel you can simply select their record and reset them to available.

Print Roster - If your opportunity occurs off-campus or after-hours you can select all your volunteers can print a PDF roster for your opportunity coordinator(s) and email them the day of the activity. They can use this to sign-in/out volunteers.

Log Hours - By clicking on the volunteer’s last name you can record their hours working on this opportunity. Alternatively you can click the TimeSheet button to view the timesheet for the opportunity and record hours for all volunteers.