If you want to notify volunteers about activities, and get them to sign-up; if you want to track how many and which volunteers are working on a specific activity; or if you want to know how many hours were worked at an event or on a program (e.g. Classroom Mentors) you will want to use opportunities.
You can create any number of opportunities for your school. Opportunities can be used for a single event, such as a book fair, or for a program that runs all year long, like lunchroom volunteers.
Tracking Hours For your Opportunity
The TimeSheet View of your opportunity is a quick way to browse through who volunteered, on which day they volunteered and how many hours they recorded. This view will display both the hours logged by you or the volunteer. In addition it will show any hours from the EZVKiosk, assuming the volunteer selected the opportunity when they signed in.
From the TimeSheet View you can browse through the schedule of your opportunity (if it’s recurring) to find a specific date and see who worked and for how many hours on that day. You can also search for an individual volunteer by name and see all the days they worked and hours they logged. If you need, you can edit or delete those hours.
You can also CLOSE OPP if you are finished with this opportunity and want to ‘close the book’ on signing up or recording hours to the opportunity.
If you are making changes on one day you can UPDATE your changes and then browse to another day or volunteer’s hours. When finished you can SAVE your changes and return to the Opportunities List page or Match Volunteers page.