When you create an opportunity you can choose to add it to your calendar. This option lets you choose which event category to assign your opportunity. Your district administrator and Relatrix account team will most likely have set-up event categories for you. If you are using our EZVolunteer/Basic system, then your events will be assigned to a category named for your school (e.g. Adams Elementary). If you are using our EZVolunteer/Enterprise system you can create any number of your own categories to organize your volunteer activities.
Any opportunity that is added to your calendar will display on the EZVolunteer Event Calendar page. This page is part of your EZVolunteer website and gives your volunteers the options to -
Filter by Event Category - By unchecking schools/categories they don’t want to see a volunteer can narrow the volunteer events to just your school.
Browse The Calendar - Volunteers can search ahead several months or view by day or week.
View Opportunity Details - For any opportunity on the calendar a volunteer can click on and view the details of that opportunity.
Subscribe To Event Feed - Similar to RSS feeds for news, volunteers using online calendars like Google Calendar can subscribe to an iCal feed and by doing so see all events of a particular type on their personal calendar without having to return to your EZVolunteer site.
Opportunity Details On Your Calendar
By clicking on an opportunity displayed on your event calendar volunteers can see the start and end times, along with the location, description and opportunity coordinator(s) (if assigned).
If the volunteer wants to sign-up for this opportunity they can use the ‘Click Here’ link to sign-up for the opportunity. This will require them to sign-in to their EZVolunteer account, if not already signed in, before allowing them to sign-up for the activity. If they are already signed up then EZVolunteer will display the Hours Log page for them to record their hours.
Additionally, if the volunteer wishes they can add the event/opportunity to their personal calendar, assuming they use an application like Google Calendar or Outlook. This allows them to manage their volunteer commitments along with the other scheduled events.