If you have an account at your school or district and have subscribed to one or more newsgroups but are not receiving any email messages there are a few possible reasons and solutions -

1. Your email address is incorrect or inactive - Sign-in to your account and under the Email section on your account details page make sure that your email is typed correctly and that the checkbox for 'Stop Sending Me Email' is un-checked.

2. Email is being sent to your Spam Folder - Search your email account's spam or junk folder for messages from our mail server domain (ezcommunicator.com). Remove that/those messages and add the email account, usually something link <yourschoolname>@ezcommunicator.com to your contact list so messages will not be directed to spam.

3. Your ISP is blocking delivery - This is most common when you use your work email as your primary email address. If your company has a strict email delivery policy then messages sent to you may never even make it to your spam folder. In this case, either contact your in-house IT department to ask them to whitelist email from ezcommunicator.com or change your primary email to a free, personal account using a service like gmail or yahoo.