Recording outcomes can be done by either the school or the partner, after the two parties are matched with each other on a request or offer. If you are recording the outcomes for your requests then simply click the request on your Requests page and then click the Outcomes button.
In Section 2 of the Outcomes page you will click the DETAILS link for either Students, Staff, Volunteers or Donations to get a pop-up window like the one below. In that window follow these steps -
Select the date when the partner provided you with the assistance you are recording. This could be the day they dropped off supplies are your school, or the date you are logging the outcome.
Choose the partner for whom you are recording this outcome. If you have multiple partners working with you on a specific request you will need to record different outcomes for each partner so they are ‘recognized’ in the database for the assistance they provided.
Record and save the outcome in terms of dollars, hours, staff or students involved (depending on which outcome you chose.)
Repeat as many times as necessary and when finished press the CLOSE button.
You can return as many times as you need to record outcomes for a request until you close the request permanently, which closes the books on your outcomes for that request.
When you match a partner to your request, or when a partner matches your school to an offer, they (or you) can also log outcomes. This is done on the ‘Matched Offers’ (for Partners) or ‘Matched Requests’ (for Staff) page on your EZPartner account.
This page displays all offers any partner has matched to your school. You can see who the partner contact is and choose any outcome (Students, Staff, Volunteers, Donations) for that offer, and log outcomes for your school. This makes it easy for you and the partners you work with to collaborate on activities and more easily keep track of outcomes.