The new Volunteer List page look and behavior requires a slightly different approach to searching for and selecting individual volunteers. In the past you could use the search box in the upper right corner to search for volunteers one at a time and select their records to create a list and then apply some action - like print badges.

Now, if you try searching for a new volunteer in the upper right corner search box you will 'lose' the previous volunteer selection you made. This happens because the new data grid or list component used to display your volunteers provides it's own search features and if you search 'outside' the data grid it will assume you are starting your search over.

The New way to search and select volunteers is simple and involves the following steps -

1. If you have permission to Filter/Search ALL Schools choose this option. If not, skip to Step_3.

2. From the Choose A Filter menu scroll to the BACKGROUND section and select 'OK - Basic' which will filter all your approved volunteers.

3. Use the LName field to search for a volunteer by their Last Name and then use the checkbox on their record to add them to your list.

4. Repeat #3 for each new volunteer that you want to include on your list.

5. After selecting all your volunteers, choose an action from the Action Menu. This will apply your selected action to all volunteers.