There are several choices to make about implementing visitor management in EZVolunteer. The best option will depend on security and HR policies at your district and how well your schools adapt to a change in process. From experience, there are several points to consider before making your decisions:
Will you be using Real Time Screening of visitors?
If you use Real Time Screening then you should implement the system so the first-time a visitor signs-in they do so using the Front Office Sign-in method. Front office staff should ask for the visitor’s ID and input their Name and Date-Of-Birth using the Add Visitor button. In addition, if the system is unable to complete the SOR check the front office staff can re-submit the check with the additional information required and proceed with printing a nametag.
Do you want to capture photos of visitors?
Photos are useful because the are printed on the nametag of the visitor and are stored in the database so if the visitor goes to a different school their photo goes with them and can be verified by front office staff. If you are going to capture photos you will need a camera on the computer where the visitor is initially signing-in - either the EZVKiosk or the front office staff computer.
Will you be printing name tags for visitors? If you plan to print name tags for visitors to wear you will need a label printer. As a security measure it is usually best to keep the printer behind the front desk so that front office staff can verify the name tag for the visitor, whether they using the self sign-in or front-office sign-in method.