To track the dates when a visitor signed in to your school or any school in the district you can you can simply select their records on your Visitor List using the check box beside their name and then from the drop down action menu choose Campus Visits (for a log of visits to your schools) or District Visits (for a log of visits to all schools in the district).
To track the details of who signed in to your school on any given day and the purpose of their visit you will need to run a EZVolunteer Kiosk Activity Report. This can be found on the page header under Reports > EZVolunteer > Kiosk. Then follow these steps -
Start by choosing Visitor if you only want to report on visitor sign-in activity. You can also report of Volunteers or Both.
Choose the date range for which you want your report. This defaults to Today, but you modify to include any dates you need.
Next, choose the Purpose of Visit you wish to report so you can filter to just specific visitor purposes, such as Early Departure or Late Arrival by students.
Finally, choose the Export Excel option to download a spreadsheet with the visitor records you want to view.