If a profile has been filtered because they contain data issues, need Additional Information, are Under 18, self-selected Staff Affiliation or if a Duplicate Name/DOB profile was found  in the system, EZVolunteer will send an email to the designated HR contact with an alert that the volunteer has been added to the review list and that additional action is required by HR.

Volunteers with Pending results are usually set to this status because -

  1. They incorrectly typed data in their registration form that we are unable to send through our backgroundchecks.com integration,

  2. Their name and date-of-birth have been flagged in the Backgroundchecks.com database as requiring additional information to complete the screening process.

  3. The Volunteer is Under 18

  4. They selected that they were a Staff in the Affiliations section of Registration

  5. There is a profile already in the system with the same Name & Date-of-Birth

When you click on the results/comment icon for the volunteer’s record you will see which of these are the reason for their Pending status.

If the reason is incorrectly typed data, you will need to correct the data and resubmit the volunteer. To do this, follow these steps -

  1. From the specific background check list page, click on the Last Name of the Pending volunteer. This will open a pop-up window displaying their record with all the data they typed in during registration.

  2. Look in the First Name, Last Name, and Previous Names fields for problems. This is often due to using quotations or other non-alphanumeric characters in one of these fields. In the case of Previous Names it may be due to comments added after typing the name, like ‘Maiden’ or ‘Divorced’. Previous Names should include First and Last names only with one First/Last name per line.

  3. Correct the data error and SAVE the volunteers record

  4. From the specific background check list page, select the pending volunteer’s record on the left and use the ‘Select An Action’ menu to select ‘Resubmit

This will resubmit the volunteer’s record and assuming the data error is fixed will return with either a HIT (Review status - Yellow record) result or a NO HIT (OK Standard - Green record). You should then proceed with reviewing any hits, or EZVolunteer will take the automated steps of emailing the volunteer and activating their record.

If the reason is due to the Staff Affiliation being selected on the record, you will need to verify that the person is in fact a staff member. If they are, you can set the status to Approved by applying a OK Standard - Green result. If they are not a Staff Member, then you need to open the profile by clicking on the 'Last Name' in the list page and removing the Staff Affiliation. Then you can select the pending volunteer’s record on the left and use the ‘Select An Action’ menu to select ‘Resubmit

If the reason is additional information required, you will need to use the ‘Select An Action’ menu to email the selected volunteer requesting the additional information. Relatrix has created both an email template and online form for your EZVolunteer site to use in requesting the SSN of the volunteer. To request the additional information from the volunteer, follow these steps -

  1. From the specific background check list page, select the record of the volunteer(s) from whom you need an SSN.

  2. Use the ‘Select An Action’ menu and select the option ‘Email Selected

  3. When the email form pops-up use the ‘Templates’ tool to display and select the template to ‘Request Additional Info’. This will copy the template content into your email

  4. Make any edits to the template and then press the ‘Email Selected’ button to send your request. The template includes a link to an online form for the volunteer to provide their name and additional information.

Below is an example of the email editor where you can select your templates and/or send a customized message to volunteers on your background list -


When the volunteers completes and submits the Additional Information Form you will receive an email with their additional information. Follow these steps to re-submit the volunteer -

  1. With their SSN go back to the specific background check list page, select the volunteer’s record and from the ‘Select An Action’ menu select ‘Resubmit with SSN’.

  2. This will display a pop-up where you can type the SSN for the selected volunteer.

This will resubmit the volunteer’s record and, assuming the SSN is correct, will return with either a HIT (Review status - Yellow record) result or a NO HIT (OK Standard - Green record). You should then proceed with reviewing any hits, or EZVolunteer will take the automated steps of emailing an Approved volunteer and activating their record.

(Note: You can use the ‘Resubmit with SSN’ function for only one volunteer at a time.)