If a hit is found during real time screening, EZVolunteer will send an email to the designated HR contact with an alert that the volunteer has been added to the review list and that additional action is required by HR.
You would then follow these steps -
Sign in to your account in the EZVolunteer system
Click on the Admin button to access the administration console
Go to Utilities > EZVolunteer > Background Screening. This will pull of a page of background lists for managing Pending, Review and Not Approved volunteers
Find and select the ‘Review From Real Time Screening’ list
This will display all volunteers with Pending status (Beige record for SSN Needed, Data Issues, Under 18, self-selected Staff Affiliation or if a Duplicate Name/DOB profile was found in the system) or Review status (Yellow record for hit found during real time screening).
You can work through the whole list or find the volunteer for which you received an email and click the Notepad icon on the left-side of the record to review any hit results/comments posted from Real Time Screening
Add any additional comments/notes in the results field for future reference
You can apply a result while in the hit result/comment page by using the ‘Select A Result’ drop down to either Green (OK - Standard) or Red (Not OK) the volunteer(s).
If you don’t apply a result while in the hit result/comment page, you can Save and go back to the list and select the record with the check box on the left for the volunteer(s) that you have reviewed, then use the ‘Select A Result’ drop down to either Green (OK - Standard) or Red (Not OK) the volunteer(s).
If you would like to move any of your profiles to a new or existing list, select the profile and choose either option from the Action Dropdown; Move to New List or Move to Existing List
If you Approve a volunteer after review, the system will automatically* send them an Approved After Review email; activate their volunteer record and assign them to the school volunteer list they chose during registration.
If you Decline a volunteer after review, the system will automatically* send them a Declined After Review email and de-activate their volunteer record. We recommend moving that profile into a “Not Approved” list so you can keep visual record of the declined profiles, so you can go back to their record should further action be required.
Here’s an example of the Review From Real Time Screening background list with Review and Pending volunteers.